“What would you like to have done today?” “오늘 어떻게 해드릴까요?” “I’d just like a trim, please.” “조금만 다듬어주세요.” (ㅋㅋㅋ)
그나저나 우리도 저녁 때 “유방녕”에서 중화냉면을 먹었어. “Great minds think alike”?! 😅😄😉
Clouded leopards are endangered animals. Their tropical forests are being cut down at the world’s fastest deforestation rate for logging, human habitat and to grow…
I Love the way the magpie looks away when the cat turns round! The little guy has a sense of humor. 고양이가 뒤돌아볼 때마다 까치가…
A glass of wine can be the perfect way to de-stress at the end of a long day! 😄😅🥰
Transcript Little Boris was found by hunters hundreds of kilometers away, cold, hungry and alone.꼬맹이 보리스는 수백킬로미터 떨어진 곳에서 춥고 배고픈 외로운 상태로 사냥꾼들에 의해…