Tianzhou-7 Docks With Tiangong Station in Just 3 Hours After Launch

Just 3 hours to space station? That’s about how long it takes me to get home from work in a traffic jam.
우주정거장까지 단 3시간이라고요? 제가 차 막힐 때 퇴근에 걸리는 시간이랑 비슷해요. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Gravity (2013), “Stone Manages to Enter Tiangong” Scene
Gravity (2013), “Shenzhou Re-entry” Scene

I watched this movie in a theater 10 years ago, and I have to say, it was fantastic in every aspect. For a sci-fi fan like me, it’s easily a 10 out of 10. If you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend it as a must-see!
10년 전에 영화관에서 이 영화를 봤는데, 진짜 모든 면에서 훌륭했습니다. 제가 SF 팬이라 그런지 이 영화는 저한테는 10점 만점이에요. 아직 안 보셨다면 적극적으로 추천해 드립니다!