Harbin (2024)
Coming out on December 25th! Looks like a must-see!
A Korean-Chinese friend of mine recently applied for Korean citizenship. During her interview, she was asked, “How would you respond if a Japanese person claimed that Dokdo is part of Japan?” She didn’t hold back and harshly refuted the Japanese claim. The interviewer seemed quite impressed and called her a few days later to inform her that she had passed.
제 조선족 친구가 얼마 전에 한국 국적을 신청했어요. 면접에서 면접관이 “일본 사람이 독도가 일본 땅이라고 주장하면 어떻게 하시겠습니까?”라고 물었대요. 그러자 그녀는 주저 없이 그 주장을 강하게 반박했다고 해요. 면접관이 꽤 흡족했는지 며칠 뒤에 합격 소식을 전해줬다고 하네요.