오빠의 이상형 – 임청하 ㅋㅋㅋ 《爱江山更爱美人》 道不尽红尘奢恋,诉不完人间恩怨,世世代代都是缘。流着相同的血,喝着相同的水,这条路漫漫又长远。红花当然配绿叶,这一辈子谁来陪,渺渺茫茫来又回。 往日情景再浮现,藕虽断了丝还连,轻叹世间事多变迁。爱江山更爱美人, 哪个英雄好汉宁愿孤单?好儿郎,浑身是胆,壮志豪情四海远名扬。人生短短几个秋啊,不醉不罢休。东边儿我的美人哪,西边儿黄河流。来呀来个酒啊,不醉不罢休,愁情烦事别放心头。
A great artist has now left the show stage forever. RIP Ennio Morricone!!
Hmm…way better than the original version. ^^ The original Song By Chris Martin. Lyrics I’ve been reading books of old 오래된 이야기들을 읽어보았어.The legends and…
桃花诺 Commitment of Peach Blossoms 初见若繾縳We were in love at our first encounter誓言风吹云舒卷Vows have been void岁月间问今夕又何年I keep asking when is now心有犀但愿I know the reality, but…
When he kissed her for the first time…“She blossomed for him like a flower, and the incarnation was complete. ” “그녀는 그를 위해 꽃처럼 만개했고…
My heart physically hurts whenever I watch this scene. They both fulfill their dreams, and they pay the price of not staying together, but are…