Tell Me You Love Me (2022)

By Tophyun

Hope you’re enjoying the Chuseok holiday! Let’s listen to a Korean song today. It’s really sweet and delightful! There’s a common belief that Korean men don’t often express their love verbally. But from what I’ve seen, that’s totally not the case!
여러분, 즐거운 추석 연휴 보내고 계시나요? 오늘은 한국 노래를 들어봅시다! 너무나 달콤한 사랑 노래입니다. 한국 남자들은 사랑을 말로 잘 표현하지 않는다고요?! 제가 보기는 전혀 그렇지 않아요!!! 😉😆😊