The Great Gatsby (2013)
The Great Gatsby, one of the greatest novels in the 20th century ! Must-read for American students.
위대한 개츠비, 20세기 제일 영향력이 있는 소설중 하나이다!미국 학생 필독서.
Jay Gatsby and Daisy met in 1917 when Gatsby was an officer in the American Expeditionary Forces. They fell in love, but when Gatsby was deployed overseas, Daisy reluctantly married to someone else. 5 years later, Gatsby came back to New York and hoped that his newfound wealth would make Daisy reconsider. Jay used Nick, Daisy’s cousin, to stage a reunion with Daisy. On a rainy summer day, Daisy came to Nick’s house without knowing Jay was there.
제이 개츠비와 데이지는 개츠비가 미국 파견군의 장교였던 1917년에 만났다. 그들은 사랑에 빠졌지만 개츠비가 해외에 배치되자 데이지는 마지 못해 다른 사람과 결혼했다. 5년 후 개츠비는 뉴욕으로 돌아왔을 때 그가 새로 벌어들인 재산이 데이지를 다시 생각하게 만들 것으로 기대했다. 제이는 데이지의 사촌 인 닉을 통해 데이지와의 재회를 준비했다. 비가 오는 여름날 데이지는 제이가 있다는 것을 모른 채로 닉의 집에 왔다.
I can’t wait all day. I’m leaving.
하루 종일 기다릴 수 없어. 난 갈래. (재회를 앞두고 초긴장 ^^)
Don’t be silly, it’s just two minutes to four.
바보짓을 하지마. 이제 겨우 4시 2분전이야.
No one’s coming to tea! It’s too…
아무도 안 오잖아. 이거 너무…
It’s her.
그녀가 왔어.
Is this absolutely where you live, my dearest one?
여기가 자기 집 맞아?
Yes, it suits me.
나랑 맞잖아.
Why did I have to come alone? Are you in love with me?
왜 혼자 오래? 나한테 딴 맘 있어? (농담)
Oh, it’s the secret of Carraway castle. Tell your chauffeur to go far away.
캐러웨이 성의 비밀이야. 기사는 멀리 보내.(캐러웨이는 닉의 성姓이다)
Come back in one hour, Ferdie! His name is Ferdie.
한 시간 후에 와, 퍼디. 이름이 퍼디야.
Oh, my goodness, I can’t believe it. You? Did you ransack a greenhouse? He is in love with me. Would you?
세상에, 믿을 수 없어. 꽃집이라도 훔친 거야? 진짜 날 좋아하나봐. 이거 (모자) 좀.
That’s funny.
웃겨 죽겠네. (개츠비가 도망갈 줄 알았음)
What’s funny?
뭐가 그렇게 웃겨?
What are you doing?
너 지금 뭐하냐?
I’m certainly glad to see you again.
이렇게 만나게 되다니 반가워.
I’m, I’m certainly glad to see you, as well.
나도, 다시 만나서 반가워.
Hello, old sport.
안녕, 친구 (old sport = fellow, buddy)
What are you doing?
여기서 뭐해?
just sitting here.
그냥 않아 있어.
Yes, I see that.
그건 알아.
You see any trouble out on the road?
길에서 뭐 본 거 없어?
The woman you ran down is dead, Jay.
자네가 친 여자가 죽었어. 제이
I thought so, I… I told Daisy that I thought so.
그런 줄 알았어. 데이지한테도 말했고
Daisy? Do you hear yourself? How could you? How could you do that?
데이지? 지금 그녀 얘기가 나와? 어떻게 그럴 수 있지? 제정신이야?
Keep your voice down.
목소리 낮춰.
What’s wrong with you? You are nothing but a goddamn coward.
너 무슨 문제야? 겁쟁이일 뿐이야.
Keep your voice down, old sport, please! There was no point in stop! In stop!
목소리 낮춰. 친구. 차를 세울 의미가 없어서..
No point? No point? What about that woman?
의미가 없어? 여자가 죽었다고!
There was no point, she was, she was, she was killed instantly.
소용없었어. 그녀는 그 자리에서 즉사했어.
Yes, it ripped her open! I was there! I saw here, Jay!
알아. 시체를 봤거든. 제이.
I understand, I understand. It was my fault. It was my fault. This woman, she rushed out at us as if she was trying to speak to us. It all happened so quickly. She tried, I tried to run on time but…
나도 알아. 안다고, 내 잘못이야. 내 잘못이야. 그 여자가 말을 걸듯이 차로 뛰어들었어. 순식간의 일이라서 그녀가… 난 막아보려고 했지만…
She? It was Daisy.
그녀? 데이지 운전했구나.
Well, I.. you see, after we left New York, she was… she was very nervous, she thought that driving would steady her. But this woman, she rushed out at us. It all happened so quickly. It wasn’t her fault, Daisy.
난 뉴욕을 떠나고 데이지는 화가 나있었어 운전하면 마음이 진정될 거라더군. 근데 그 여자가 갑자기 뛰어들었어, 순식간이었어, 데이지의 잘못이 아냐.
No one must know that Daisy was driving, promise me.
데이지가 운전한 걸 아무도 알아선 안돼. 약속해.
Jay, you should go home and get some rest.
제이, 집에 가서 좀 쉬어.
I’m going to wait here. I’m going to wait here all night if necessary.
아니, 여기서 기다릴래. 필요하다면 밤새
No, no, no. That’s not a good idea, Jay.
아니, 아니, 그건 좋은 생각이 아냐.
If he tried to bother her about that unpleasantness this afternoon, if he tried to bother her, if he tried any brutality on her whatsoever.
톰이 오늘 일 때문에 데이지한테 손찌검이라도 하면… 조금이라도 하면…(톰: 데이지의 남편)
Tom, Tom won’t touch her. He’s not even thinking about her, Jay.
톰이 그런 사람이 아냐. 그녀를 때리지 않을 거야. 그럴 정신도 없고.
I don’t trust him. I don’t trust him.
그 놈을 못 믿겠어. 못 믿어.
All right, all right. You wait here. I’ll see if there’s any commotion.
알았어. 여기서 기다려. 내가 살펴보고 올게. (commotion: 소동)
Would you? Thank you, old sport.
그래? 고마워, 친구야.