Loving Vincent is the world’s first fully painted feature film. It took over 6 years to create and includes 62,450 frames which were hand-painted by 115 oil…
어렸을 때 BumbleBee보다 Optimus Prime을 더 좋아했다. Transcript “I am Charlie Watson. I’m eighteen. Today, actually…” “나는 찰리 왓슨, 18살이다. 사실 오늘은…” “Is the Beetle…
The video shows a sea lion relaxing on a hotel beach chair in Greece. I guess he has already had the meaning of life all…
2005년 홍콩 액션 영화의 명작. 좀 잔인하다…홍금보와 견자단은 말할 것도 없고, 무술대회에서 우승했던 오경도 이 영화 덕분에 새로운 액션 스타로 발돋움할 수 있었다.
A Canadian oil patch worker rescued three kittens frozen to the ground by melting them out of the ice with coffee.