This Means War (2012)
Lauren과 FDR는 알게 된지 얼마되지 않은 관계예요. 그런데 길을 가다 우연히 로렌의 전 남자친구인 Steve와 그의 여자 친구를 마주쳤어요. 전 남친은 이미 새로운 여자 친구가 생겼는데 자신은 아직 혼자라는 사실을 들키기 싫었던 로렌은 FDR에게 연인인 척 행동해 달라고 도움을 청했어요. 전 남친의 질투심을 자극하기도 하고, 자존심을 보호하기 위해서죠. 완전 재미있는 영화예요.
문법 정리
Grab a bite ( to eat) 간단하고 빠르게 (뭔가를) 먹다
I am starving. Let’s go grab a bite.
너무 배고파. 우리 뭐 좀 먹으러 가자.
Let’s grab a beer.
맥주 한 잔 하자.
Let’s grab a cup of coffee.
커피 한 잔 하자.
우리 오빠: 굴짬뽕 먹으러 가자! ㅋㅋㅋ
* have a (nice) fancy meal 화려한 음식점에 가서 멋진 식사를 하다
Lauren : Come back here. Wait, wait, wait. Just kiss me.
FRD: What? Absolutely not. Lauren: I’m serious.
FRD: Why would I? No. Laura: Just kiss me right now.
FRD: I’m not gonna kiss you. You’re bipolar (양극성 장애, 조울증). Stop.
Steve: Hey. Lauren. There you are.
Lauren: Oh. Oh, Steve.Oh, my God, that is so funny running into you again. That’s so funny. This is my boyfriend, FDR.He’s the surgeon that we were talking about.
FDR : Yeah. Neurosurgeon.(신경외과의사) I’m the department head at the children’s hospital.
Girl: Wow, that’s amazing. Lauren: He is. He’s really amazing.
FDR: Stop it. Steve: Amazing?
FDR: I don’t know what makes me happier. Smile on a child’s face or waking up next to you every morning.I love you.
Lauren: I love you. I love you too. That’s so funny. We’re really happy.
FDR: Yeah, we are. Yeah. Who wouldn’t be happy with a girl like this? She’s got everything. She got the beauty, style, grace. Lauren: He’s so sweet to me. FDR: Did you know she was a gymnast (체조선수) at high school?
Steve: No, I didn’t know that.
FDR: Didn’t think so.
Lauren: He likes it. FDR: Frisky(쾌활하다), I love it. Lauren: Yeah. Can you do that thing on the high bar (철봉)?
Steve: Yeah. You know what? I think we should get going.
FDR: Stan, it was such a pleasure. We gotta go.
Steve: I mean, it’s Steve, but that’s cool.
FDR: Great meeting you.Steve, yeah.
Girl: Really nice meeting you.
Steve: Really nice meeting you.?
FDR: It was such a pleasure.
Steve: Oh, look at that. A little kiss on the hand there. That’s sweet. Girl: You are so lucky.
Lauren: I know. FDR: Bye now, guys. See you. Have fun, Simon.
Steve: It’s Steve.
Lauren: Okay. Thank you so much.
FDR: What did you say? This ear’s a little deaf.
Lauren: I said, thank you. Thank you. You don’t have to be annoying about it.
FDR: Do you wanna go grab a bite? I know a pizza place around the corner.You owe me an explanation whatever it was.
Lauren: Okay. I do.