Sweet and Sour Pork
The first time I tried Tangsuyuk in Korea, I couldn’t help but think, “Why did they bring this out before it was fully cooked?” So yeah, I’m definitely on Team “Boomuk” — no questions asked!
When it comes to Korean BBQ, I was just as confused at first—like, why go out to eat if you have to cook the food yourself? But now, I’m totally used to it and actually enjoy playing chef at the table!
제가 처음 한국에서 탕수육을 먹었을 때, “뭐야, 왜 요리를 다 안 하고 내오는 거지?” 싶었어요. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그래서 저는 무조건 부먹파예요!
한국식 삼겹살/갈비에 대해서도 처음엔 똑같이 당황했어요. 아니, 밖에 나가서 먹는데 왜 내가 직접 구워야 하지? 싶었죠. 하지만 이제는 완전히 익숙해져서 테이블에서 셰프 노릇하는 것도 즐기게 됐어요! 😄😚😉