Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014)

Kingsman: The Secret Service is a 2014 British movie based on the acclaimed comic book The Secret Service by Mark Millar and Dave Gibbons. The movie tells a story of a British secret agent Harry Hart (Colin Firth) who takes “Eggsy (Taron Egerton)”, the son of his former colleague under his wing and trains him to become a super spy. Together, they uncover a plot that aims to eradicate 90 percent of the human race.


All right, no one panic, listen to me.  Stay calm. Loo snorkels, loo snorkels!
겁내지 말고 말 들어. 침착해. 변기에 넣을 튜브를 찾아!
(*loo: British English, bathroom or toilet )

Loo snorkels?  
변기 스노클?  

샤워 헤드!

샤워 헤드?

She’s right. Go, Fucking go! 
그녀의 말이 맞아. 가, 빨리 가!

Hey, hang about, what’s wrong with the fucking door?
이봐, 잠깐, 문으로 나가면 되는 거 아냐?

Congratulations on competing your first task.
첫 테스트 통과를 축하한다.

Charlie, Roxy, well done.
찰리, 록시, 아주 잘했다.

For those of you who are still confused, if you can get a breathing tube around a U-bend of a toilet, you have unlimited air supply.
아직 이해가 안 되는 녀석들을 위해 설명하지. 배관 U자 부분에 튜브를 끼우면 산소를 무제한으로 공급 받을 수 있다.

Simple physics, worth remembering. 
간단한 물리학이지. 기억해 두도록.

Eggsy, well done for spotting that was a two-way mirror,
에그시, 양면 거울인 걸 잘 알아냈어.

He’s probably seen enough of them.  
그는 이미 (경찰서에서) 많이 봤겠지.

Yeah, you can all wipe those smirks off your faces,
그래, 다들 얼굴에서 웃음기 다 지워.

because as far as I’m concerned, every single one of you has failed.
왜냐하면 내 기준으로는, 너희들은 모두 탈락이다.

You all forgot the most important thing, teamwork.
너희들은 모두 가장 중요한 것을 잊어 버렸지, 팀워크 말이야.

Pub Fight Scene

Manners maketh man.
매너가 사람을 만든다.
(* maketh : old English)

The Final Scene

청출어람(青出于蓝) – 순자(荀子) . 권학편(劝学篇)
“Indigo blue is extracted from the indigo plant, but is bluer than the plant it comes from.” It means sometimes millennials can do better than baby-boomers. 😜

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