오빠: 근데 이것 마시고 나서 운전 가능해? 예나: 마오타이주가 0.5% 들어있대. 운전 안된대. 오빠: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Transcript Sauce-flavored or liquor latte, a new drink advertised as…
Well, New York’s radioactive water must be practicing social distancing while Fukushima’s water gets to mingle freely. “내로남불”아니고 “내불남로”?! 🤔😉😆
Transcript It’s the 2nd time that the club of emerging economies is growing. 브릭스가 확장된 것은 이번이 2번째입니다.Speaking in Johannesburg, President Cyril Ramaphosa, the current…
Transcript To Japan now, where over a million tons of wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear power plant has begun to be released into the Pacific…
Thousands of people have already voted to help select the names for the panda twins. You can cast your vote here! 이미 수많은 사람들이 판다…
“The price of greatness is responsibility.” – Winston Churchill“위대함의 대가는 책임감이다.” – 윈스턴 처칠 China, Japan’s largest seafood export market, announced today that it will…
“After completing a 10-day training course (with 4 hours per day), a person with no tech background can become a semiconductor processing technician of TSMC…
Calling it “filthy” is no joke. They’re definitely boiling with anger about the situation. 🙄😮💨😔 Transcript All scouts taking part in the World Jamboree in…
Transcript “자기 생각과 사소한 경험만으로 한 나라와 그 국민을 싸잡아 비난하는 건 그 사람이 가진 인식 수준이 그 정도라는 걸 드러내는 것일수밖에 없습니다.” 우물 안…
오빠: 내 말이 맞지? 지하철, 버스 금지다.예나: 역시 오빠 말 듣기를 잘했어.오빠: 우리 집에 처박혀서 놀자! 팥빙수 시켜줄까? Transcript One person has died, twelve others…