Just like in Korea, China is also experiencing a surge in the number of people who choose to stay single and in couples who decide…
As we embrace the holiday cheer, I’d like to share with you the allure of Chanel Nail Polish, with a special emphasis on the iconic…
No car for the lunchtime nap? No worries! Our office cubicles come with built-in beds! Keep in mind that taking naps during the lunch break…
Seems like ‘favorite child privileges’ aren’t just a human thing after all! 분명히 막내 아들일 거야! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Check out Dyson’s latest release this year! This innovative product is a game-changer in hair styling. Instead of the traditional hot plates found in most…
Recently, like many of you, we’ve started watching the drama ‘Korea-Khitan War.’ It’s incredibly interesting! Equally fascinating is the history of conflicts between the Northern…
번역: 송나라 시대는 중국 3천 여년에 걸친 봉건 왕조 역사 중에서도 가장 반짝거렸던 시대 중 하나였다고 생각합니다. 중국 고대 4대 발명인 종이, 활자인쇄술, 화약, 나침반…
Let’s listen to Mika’s newest release, ‘Jane Birkin,’ a song dedicated to the legendary Jane Birkin who passed away on July 16, 2023. 미카의 새로운…
Transcript December 20th, 2013. Noted ecologist Dr. Ellis Silver publishes his book ‘Humans Are Not From Earth’. 2013년 12월 20일. 저명한 생태학자 엘리스 실버 박사가…