A woman should have 3B, beauty, brain and bravery. Alex (played by Lucy Liu) does have! She is smoking hot in this scene. ^^ Transcript…
Transcript I want to make a response to the question asked by the journalist about China.I have to say that your question is full of…
In season 6, Ross is dating Elizabeth, a NYU student, while Rachel is dating Paul.Paul is Elizabeth’s father. He dislikes Ross and is disapproved of…
미국판 무간도(无间道)입니다. 비록 리메이크 영화지만 미국 정서에 맞게 잘 만들어진 훌륭한 작품이라고 생각합니다. ^^ Transcript Madolyn:What do you expect coming in here? 여기 왜 오는…
Anne Boleyn was the mother of Elizabeth I, the second wife of Henry VIII. Her marriage with the King only lasted for 3 years (1533~1536).Anne…
Transcript Woman:It’s the biggest shopping weekend of the year.추수감사절도 다가오고 있기 때문에 이번 주말에 쇼핑하러 나가는 사람들이 제일 많을 거예요.Man:We need to consider closing schools.…
코니: 우에. 문 대리님, 안녕하세요. 어제 어떻게 되셨어요?문: 결국 못 찾았어.코니: 네? 그럼 집에는 어떻게 가셨어요?문:식당에서 빌려줬어~.코니: 대체 문 대리님 신발장 열쇠는 어딜 간 걸까요.문:…
Transcript Scarlet: Oh, Rhette, Please don’t go. You can’t leave me, please. I will never forgive you. 레트, 제발 가지마. 날 두고 가면 절대 용서…
Hal, a shallow man, only dates women who are physically beautiful. Tony Robbins, the self-help guru, hypnotizes him into recognizing only the inner beauty of…
Transcript Eugene: Is this…hair?이건 혹시 머리카락인가?Rapunzel: Struggling…struggling is pointless. I know why you’re here. And I’m not afraid of you. 빠져나가려고 용써도 소용없어. 왜 왔는지…