Transcript December 20th, 2013. Noted ecologist Dr. Ellis Silver publishes his book ‘Humans Are Not From Earth’. 2013년 12월 20일. 저명한 생태학자 엘리스 실버 박사가…
Transcript Astronomers in Durham have made the biggest ever computer model of the evolution of the universe from the Big Bang to the present day,…
Today at the airport, I overheard a conversation between two flight attendants. One had flown to Cebu and the other to somewhere in China. Both…
오빠: 120살까지 가즈아~ 예나: 욕심도 많으셔 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Transcript Most people assume that most of the aging process is in fact due to genes. 대부분의 사람들은…
“No such thing as a free lunch. If you want something done right, do it yourself.” “공짜 점심은 없다. 뭔가를 제대로 해내려면, 스스로 알아서 해야 해.”…
Transcript This is a nickel and cobalt battery, popular in electric vehicles in the US and Europe. 이것은 미국과 유럽의 전기 자동차에 널리 사용되는 니켈…
Let us hope this innovation is only used for positive purposes and not to create deadly machines. 이런 혁신적인 발명이 무서운 터미네이터를 만드는 대신 좋은…
The C919 is a narrow-body, twin-engine passenger jet developed by the Chinese aerospace manufacturer COMAC. It is designed to compete against the Airbus A320neo and…
Robots should do those dirty, dangerous and dull jobs which humans shouldn’t have been working on in the first place. 로봇은 애초에 인간이 해서는 안…