Bao is a 2018 computer-animated short film written and directed by Domee Shi and produced by Pixar Animation Studios. The film is about an aging and lonely Chinese mother,…
The Martian is a 2015 science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott and starring Matt Damon. The film depicts an astronaut’s lone struggle to survive on Mars after being left behind, and…
Transcript Arwen: Do you remember when we first met?우리가 언제 처음으로 만났는지 기억나요? Aragorn:I thought I had strayed into a dream.마치 꿈 속에 있었던 것…
The Imitation Game is a 2014 American historical drama film based on the true story of Alan Turing, who is credited as the father of computer…
페친의 식빵 사진을 보고 이 영화가 생각났다. 장 발장은 배고픈 조카들을 위해 빵 한조각을 훔친 죄로 징역 5년을 선고 받고 감옥에서 형을 살다가 탈옥을 시도했고, 결국…
이번 주에 몇명의 페친들이 동시에 서안에 대한 추억을 쓰신 것을 보고 이 영화가 생각났다. 도움이 되길~ ^^ Transcript ”杀了他!““죽여라!” “烧!”“불 태워 버려!” Kingdom to Kingdom,…
The film is based on the true story of Erzsébet Bathory, a Hungarian countess who bathed in the blood of virgin girls in an attempt to retain…
New York is a 2009 Indian thriller movie telling the story of 3 Muslim students studying at the fictional New York State University whose lives…
Great Expectations is the 13th novel by Charles Dickens, published in 1861. The novel depicts Pip’s journey from being a poor young boy in the countryside to…
Transcript David: Incredible! You set? 끝내주는데! 이제 다 놀았죠? Bean: Why don’t you get another ticket? Could be more fun second time round. 왜 한…