“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” – Coco Chanel
渡红尘Live in Human World 荒草枯木雪纷纷Snow is falling heavily on the wild grasses and withered trees.萧索多少青春Numerous chilly days have passed.寒夜茫茫一盏残灯A long cold night, a broken old…
Making cat slippers is all the rage among cat owners these days! 자기 털로 한땀한땀 만든 슬리퍼가 요즘 대세!
Transcript Ellie:Alan, this species of veriformen’s been extinct since the Cretaceous Period. I mean, this thing is humongous, what? What?앨런, 이런 베리표먼 종은 이미 백악기에 멸종했을 텐테, 이건 좀…왜? Dr. Grant:Look at that.그것 봐.…